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OMK is a Russian steel firm that is expanding market abroad. It plans to build a steel plant in a foreign country. Due to intricate technical requirements, the plant design will be very complex. Procurement department or technical department alone cannot draft the specification. OMK senior management decides that this task must be treated as a project. Which of the following should be done before writing the specification for new steel plant?
The writing of a complex specification should be treated as a project because it requires the brain power from different stakeholders. Many tools and processes of project management can be applied to complex specification development. Before engaging with the stakeholders and implementing the project, the project initial document should developed.
A Project Initiation Document (PID) is one of the most important components of project manage-ment, which forms the foundation for a company project. It is a reference point during the entire project, for the client as well as for the project team.
A PID bundles documentation into a logical reference work that collects all important information needed to start and run a project from a good foundation. After that, Project Initiation Document must be transferred to all stakeholders, including business sponsors.
This forms the basis for the project management. The documentation from which the PID is com-posed include the business case in which the project's justification can be found, the communica-tion plan and the project plan.
The PID is composed out of collected information and includes, among others, the following com-ponents:
- Project goal(s); what do you want to achieve with the project?
- Project size; how large is the project, how long does it take and how many people are involved?
- Project organisation; who are involved in the project, what are their tasks, responsibilities and authority?
- Limits and risks; what can cause a project to stagnate and are there risks related to the project?
- Stakeholders; who has a stake in the success of the project?
- Project checks and frame reporting; by carefully taking into account evaluation moments, it is clear to everyone what sample tests can be carried out during the process.
In addition, it is important that the Project Initiation Document also contains the following infor-mation:
- The background and occasion of the project, which together provide information about the con-text.
- The project organisational structure, which describes who has which management responsibility in the project.
- The project quality plan, describing who controls the quality of the products to be delivered and how it will take place.
- The total project planning, including the duration of all activities.
- The exception process, which describes how exceptions are dealt with and the steps of the escalation procedure.
- The risk log, including the measures that will be taken when there are unforeseen risks.
- The documentation structure of the project, in which the encoding and storage of all documents and products to be provided by the project has been recorded in advance.
- CIPS study guide page 148
- Project Initiation Document (PID), a project management tool | ToolsHero
LO 3, AC 3.3
The position of a product in its life cycle can affect the price that suppliers set. Is this statement correct?
A firm also has to look at a myriad of other factors before setting its prices. Those factors include the offering's costs, the demand, the customers whose needs it is designed to meet, the external environment---such as the competition, the economy, and government regulations---and other aspects of the marketing mix, such as the nature of the offering, the current stage of its product life cycle, and its promotion and distribution. If a company plans to sell its products or services in international markets, research on the factors for each market must be analyzed before setting prices. Organizations must understand buyers, competitors, the economic conditions, and political regulations in other markets before they can compete successfully.
The costs of the product---its inputs---including the amount spent on product development, testing, and packaging required have to be taken into account when a pricing decision is made. So do the costs related to promotion and distribution. For example, when a new offering is launched, its promotion costs can be very high because people need to be made aware that it exists. Thus, the offering's stage in the product life cycle can affect its price.
- CIPS study guide page 90-91
- 15.2 Factors That Affect Pricing Decisions -- Principles of Marketing (
LO 2, AC 2.2
A company is planning the procurement of an IT system and wants to agree a through-life contract with the supplier to ensure ongoing system support. The first step in producing that specification should be to:
Writing a high-quality specification is very crucial in every purchase. In through-life management, it is even more important since the assets often have very high value. Defining user requirement is the first step to write a specification. Without doing this right, many problems may arise in later stages.
LO 3, AC 3.2
Housing Ltd is inviting a number of contractors to a tender for the construction of a commercial building. In the attachment to the invitation to tender, there is a document which describes the re-quired materials and installation methods. This document is known as...?
This question mentions about specification in construction. In this sector, specifications are written documents that describe the materials and workmanship required for a development. They do not include cost, quantity or drawn information and need to be read alongside other contract documentation such as quantities, schedules and drawings.
Specifications vary considerably depending on the stage to which the design has been developed, ranging from performance (open) specifications that require further development by a contractor or supplier, to prescriptive (closed) specifications for which the design is already complete when the project is tendered.
Prescriptive specifications typically contain detailed descriptions of the following components:
- General requirements relating to regulations and standards.
- The type of products and materials required.
- The execution and installation methods required.
Prescriptive specifications give the client much more certainty about the end product when making investment decisions (such as when they appoint the contractor), and place a greater burden on the designer to ensure proper installation rather than the contractor.
- CIPS study guide page 116-120
- Prescriptive specification - Designing Buildings Wiki
LO 3, AC 3.1