What has been defined as: 'a process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis in terms of generating benefits not only to the organisation, but also to society and the economy, whilst minimising damage to the environment'
This is a definition of sustainable procurement, from the Sustainable Procurement Task Force, quot-ed by Profex Publishing, L3M5, Ch 6.
The inclusion of terms like 'meet their needs' and 'value for money' point us in the direction of pro-curement, not just sustainability.
The term 'the triple bottom line' was coined in which year?
The term was coined in that year by John Elkington in the UK.
What is being defined here: 'The assessment of a potential supplier's capability of controlling quali-ty, delivery, quantity, price and all other factors to be embodied in a contract'?
Pre-contracting a supplier, the term 'supplier appraisal' is favoured by CIPS; whereas once the sup-plier is in use, 'vendor rating' is the preferred term for monitoring actual performance.
A means of ensuring the safe delivery of a product to the consumer in sound condition and at min-imum cost'.
What is this British Standards definition defining?
Your syllabus includes 'packing and packaging' under L3M6 LO 3.2.
CIPS has created a list of the ten most common CSR issues in supply chains. Which one of the fol-lowing is not on that list?
Cost (reduction) is a traditional focus of procurement.
CSR tries to help us think beyond simply cost reduction, or a bottom line orientation.