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Issues of social responsibility can be challenging for organisations operating internationally. The Profex textbook for this subject discusses seven key underlying principles of social responsibility. One of these principles is 'international norms of XXX' referring to situations where the law of a country does not provide for adequate environmental or social safeguards. 'An organisation should as a minimum try to respect international norms of XXX.' What is the correct word to replace XXX?
'Behaviour' is the correct answer, although 'decency' would also make sense. The issue of how an organisation behaves within a host country can be vexed, with tensions between the organisational norms of behaviour and local / governmental norms. You may be able to think of your own exam-ples.
'Some food items, such as XXX, might get damaged by vibrations from a truck'.
Soft fruit: peaches, raspberries, strawberries, for example.
Choose two which are from the 'three pillars of sustainability':
People, planet, profit.
The notion here is that commerce is not just about profit, but about people and our effect on the planet as well. This is now a widely-accepted view. The 3 P's are a useful form of shorthand.
OECD has written about the concept of a 'pyramid of CSR responsibilities'.
'Being a good corporate citizen' is described as being at the highest level of the pyramid, and falls within which of the following sets of responsibilities?
In other words, which of these options shown, is at the highest level of the CSR pyramid?
The order of responsibilities is as follows: economic (be profitable - keep the business going); legal (comply with the law); ethical (act in an ethical way); discretionary (be a good citizen - do things above and beyond eg for the local community, supporting small suppliers, overseas suppliers, etc).
Frankly, any organisation not being economic, legal and ethical needs to take a serious look at itself. Don't you think?
As the Earth's atmosphere warms, greenhouse gases (GHGs) prevent escape of the heat from the Earth. The heat is absorbed primarily by the Earth's:
The Earth's oceans absorb most of the heat which is retained.