In 2014, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that sea levels might rise to what extent by the year 2099?
The correct answer is one metre.
It is predicted that this increase will be devastating not just for low-lying areas, but for many popu-lation centres.
Which one of the following is typically insufficiently exploited in unskilled storage layout and de-sign?
Height - a reference to the necessity to fully use the cube of a space.
What is the chemical formula for nitrous oxide?
N2O - nitrous oxide - a greenhouse gas.
The Brundtland Commission, which studied and made recommendations about sustainability was sponsored by the:
Sponsored by The United Nations.
The Brundtland Commission defined sustainable development as 'development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs'. (Source: Profex Publishing Ltd)
What proportion of transport energy consumption is accounted for by road transport, as opposed to rail, air and sea, according to the International Energy Authority?
Over ninety per cent of transport energy is consumed by road transport.
Each time you see a heavy lorry on the road, ask yourself why the goods were not transported by train. In many cases (long journeys, non-perishable goods, heavy or bulky items), it would be per-fectly feasible to move goods by train instead of by road, and at vastly reduced cost to the envi-ronment.