Thinking about PEST, or PESTEL, or STEEPLE; under which two headings would taxation most comfortably sit?
The answer is political and economic.
The words used in the possible answers spell out STEEPLED which a later version of PEST, etc
A cross-functional team is created to help progress the development of a new product in a manufac-turing business. Which two of the following activities are unlikely to be allocated to the representa-tive from the accounting and finance function?
Calculating sales demand is likely to be a sales / marketing activity; planning the recruitment / train-ing of staff is likely to be a human resources activity.
The other two activities shown are likely to be right up accounting and finance's street.
'A person may exert power on the basis of their formal authority or status'
Which of the French and Raven sources of power is being described here?
The Chief Executive has power because they are in the post of the Chief Executive.
The Head of Procurement has power because they carry that job title.
They may also have other sources of power such as expert power, or charisma, but the correct re-sponse to the QUESTION NO : is 'legitimate'.
'Coercive' and 'informational' can also be sources of power not shown in the question.
Thinking about PEST, etc: under which heading would exchange rates and inflation fit?
Although there may be some political input which may have an effect on exchange rates and infla-tion, the primary heading is obviously 'economic'.
'I have my doubts about that'.
The answer is someone who is skeptical - they're not completely cynical, but they're not too sure.
Also spelt: 'sceptic'.