Free CIPS L3M1 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for L3M1 were last updated On Feb 18, 2025

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Question No. 1

Sources of finance for a private sector entity primarily include (select all that apply):

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Correct Answer: B, C, D

Sources of funds for private sector commonly include revenues from sales, shareholders and long-term loans. Taxpayers would not normally be thought of as a source of funds for private sector, alt-hough in recent Coronavirus times, in some countries, such as the UK, businesses have received considerable support. But that is abnormal.

Short-term sources such as overdrafts are not to be relied upon on a regular or long-term basis.

Question No. 2

Which of the following are widely-used measures of output of a country's economy?

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Correct Answer: C, D

Gross National Product; Gross Domestic Product.

Seen by some commentators as outdated measures, although it's difficult to know what they should / would be replaced by.

Question No. 3

'Price' and 'payment terms' are the same thing.

True or false?

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Correct Answer: B

An easy question.

Price is what the customer will pay for goods or services eg fifty dollars; payment terms are the ar-rangements under which you pay the price eg in advance, on delivery, 30 days, 60 days, etc.

Although this may seem rather obvious, I have encountered a surprising number of people who seem to confuse the two.

Question No. 4

Which of the following could be described as an organisation?

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Correct Answer: A, C, D

All except the self-employed tutor have a social arrangement with collective goals, and controls on performance.

The self-employed tutor may have a goal, but it is not collective; is not part of a(n internal) social arrangement and controls on performance may be entirely in their own hands, or perhaps even ab-sent altogether.

Question No. 5

An organisation is...

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Correct Answer: A

Social arrangement because it involves people; they have a collective goal eg to be a profitable or-ganisation; and their performance must be controlled to work towards or to achieve that goal / those goals.