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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by CheckPoint in their CheckPoint 156-587 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their CheckPoint Check Point Certified Troubleshooting Expert - R81.20 exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the CheckPoint 156-587 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
The FileApp parser in the Content Awareness engine does not extract text from which of the following file types?
You modified kernel parameters and after rebooting the gateway, a lot of production traffic gets dropped and the gateway acts strangely What should you do"?
If you have modified kernel parameters (in fwkern.conf, for example) and the gateway starts dropping traffic or behaving abnormally after a reboot, the best practice is to restore the original or a known-good configuration from backup. Then, reboot again so that the gateway loads the last known stable settings.
Option A (fw ctl set int fw1_kernel_all_disable=1) is not a standard or documented method for ''undoing'' all kernel tweaks.
Option B (Restore fwkem.conf from backup and reboot the gateway) is the correct and straightforward approach.
Option C (fw unloadlocal) removes the local policy but does not revert custom kernel parameters that have already been loaded at boot.
Option D (Remove all kernel parameters from fwkem.conf and reboot) might help in some cases, but you risk losing other beneficial or necessary parameters if there were legitimate custom settings. Restoring from a known-good backup is safer and more precise.
Hence, the best answer: ''Restore fwkem.conf from backup and reboot the gateway.''
Check Point Troubleshooting Reference
sk98339 -- Working with fwkern.conf (kernel parameters) in Gaia OS.
sk92739 -- Advanced System Tuning in Gaia OS.
Check Point Gaia Administration Guide -- Section on kernel parameters and system tuning.
Check Point CLI Reference Guide -- Explanation of using fw ctl, fw unloadlocal, and relevant troubleshooting commands.
You need to run a kernel debug over a longer period of time as the problem occurs only once or twice a week. Therefore you need to add a timestamp to the kernel debug and write the output to a file
but you cant afford to fill up all the remaining disk space and you only have 10 GB free for saving the debugs What is the correct syntax for this?