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Using mgmt_cli, what is the correct syntax to import a host object called Server_1 from the CLI?
Tom has connected to the R81 Management Server remotely using SmartConsole and is in the process of making some Rule Base changes, when he suddenly loses connectivity. Connectivity is restored shortly afterward.
What will happen to the changes already made?
Tom's changes will have been stored on the Management when he reconnects and he will not lose any of his work.
Therefore, if Tom has connected to the R81 Management Server remotely using SmartConsole and is in the process of making some Rule Base changes, when he suddenly loses connectivity, his changes will not be lost. They will be stored locally on his machine and he can resume his work when he reconnects to the Management Server.
Fill in the blank RADIUS protocol uses_____to communicate with the gateway
When configuring SmartEvent Initial settings, you must specify a basic topology for SmartEvent to help it calculate traffic direction for events. What is this setting called and what are you defining?
When configuring SmartEvent Initial settings, you must specify a basic topology for SmartEvent to help it calculate traffic direction for events. This setting is called Internal network(s) and you are defining your networks. You can specify one or more networks or IP addresses that are considered internal for SmartEvent. This helps SmartEvent to determine the direction of the traffic (inbound, outbound, or internal) and generate events accordingly. Reference: [SmartEvent Administration Guide]
To fully enable Dynamic Dispatcher on a Security Gateway:
To fully enable Dynamic Dispatcher on a Security Gateway, you need to run the following command in Expert mode then reboot: