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You have received a requirement to add the "Gantt" button to the Project page layout. Dynamic Forms are not in use. How would you configure this change?
How to Add the 'Gantt' Button
Step 1: Navigate to Setup in Salesforce.
Step 2: Go to Object Manager and select Project.
Step 3: Open Page Layouts and select the active page layout.
Step 4: Find the 'Mobile & Lightning Actions' menu.
Step 5: Drag and drop the 'Gantt' button onto the layout.
Step 6: Save and verify the changes in the Project record.
Why Not Other Options?
Option A: Custom Settings (Page Preferences) does not control button visibility.
Option B: Lightning Record Pages require Dynamic Forms, which are not in use in this scenario.
FF-PSA v15 Customer Overview.pdf, Page 6.
Currently Project Managers and Resource Managers are using Gantt. You do not want your Project Managers creating assignment, resource requests or milestones from the Gantt. Which of the following custom settings should you configure to hide these buttons?
To prevent Project Managers from creating Assignments, Resource Requests, or Milestones from the Gantt, the Gantt Global Settings must be configured:
Navigate to Custom Settings Gantt Global Settings.
Modify the settings to remove the ability for Project Managers to create Assignments, Resource Requests, and Milestones from the Gantt.
Save and apply the changes.
Option A (Project Task Gantt Global Settings) is incorrect because it does not control high-level permissions for assignments and requests.
Option C (Project Task Gantt Preferences) is incorrect because it only controls user-specific preferences.
Thus, the correct answer is B.
To update Resource Roles in PSA, you will need to update the picklists of which two of the following objects? (Choose two.)
To update Resource Roles in PSA, you need to modify the picklists of two objects:
Contact Object -- This contains the primary Resource Role field, which determines a resource's default role.
Assignment Object -- This ensures that resource role updates apply to assignments where resources are staffed.
Option B (Work Calendars) is incorrect because Work Calendars define availability, not Resource Roles.
Thus, the correct answers are A and C.
PSA Sys Admin Essentials Student Guide Fall 20
The time periods in your org run through 2024. Your Finance team wants to start building forecast models through 2030. What is the best way to help the Finance team accomplish their task?
Understanding Time Periods in PSA
PSA requires predefined time periods to process timecards, utilization, and forecasting.
If time periods are not extended into the future, forecasting and utilization calculations will stop working beyond the last defined time period.
How to Extend Time Periods to 2030
Step 1: Create a .csv file with the appropriate time slices (years, quarters, months, weeks).
Step 2: Use Salesforce Data Import Wizard or to import the records.
Step 3: Ensure the imported time periods align with your company's fiscal year.
Step 4: Verify in PSA that new time periods are correctly set up and available for reports.
Why Not Contact FinancialForce Support? (Option C)
FinancialForce Support is not required to create time periods. This is a standard admin task that can be completed using Salesforce tools.
PSA Sys Admin Essentials Student Guide Fall 20 (2).pdf, Page 87.
What is the best practice for limiting permissions in a FinancialForce Permission Set Group?
Best practice for limiting permissions in a FinancialForce Permission Set Group:
Use Muting Permission Sets:
Muting Permission Sets disable specific permissions within a Permission Set Group.
Instead of modifying or duplicating a permission set, mute only the permissions you do not need.
Why This is the Best Practice:
It avoids unnecessary duplication of Permission Set Groups.
It provides granular control over permissions without affecting other users.
Incorrect Answer Explanation:
B . Clone the Permission Set Group and remove unwanted permissions Incorrect
Cloning is not recommended as it creates redundant permission sets.
C . Build your own permissions or Permission Set Groups Incorrect
This is time-consuming and unnecessary when Muting Permission Sets can achieve the same result efficiently.
PSA System Administration Guide