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What feature is used to get a comprehensive picture of infected endpoint activity?
The Process View feature in Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) provides a detailed and comprehensive view of activities associated with an infected endpoint. It displays a graphical representation of processes, their hierarchies, and interactions, which helps security teams understand the behavior and spread of malware on the system.
Advantages of Process View:
Process View shows the relationship between different processes, including parent-child structures, which can reveal how malware propagates or persists on an endpoint.
This visualization is instrumental in tracking the full impact of an infection, helping administrators identify malicious activities linked to specific processes.
Why Other Options Are Less Suitable:
Entity View is more focused on broader data relationships, not specific infected process activities.
Full Dump and Endpoint Dump refer to memory or system dumps, which are useful for in-depth forensic analysis but do not provide an immediate, clear picture of endpoint activity.
When configuring Network Integrity, why is it a requirement to add trusted certificates?
When configuring Network Integrity in Symantec Endpoint Security, it is essential to add trusted certificates to allow enterprise SSL decryption for security scanning. This enables the inspection of encrypted traffic, which is critical for identifying threats or anomalies in SSL/TLS communications.
Purpose of Trusted Certificates:
Adding trusted certificates facilitates SSL decryption, allowing the security system to analyze encrypted data streams for potential threats without triggering security warnings or connection issues.
Why Other Options Are Less Applicable:
Securing connections to ICDm (Option B) and VPN connections (Option C) are not directly related to Network Integrity's focus on SSL decryption.
Bypassing an attacker's MITM proxy (Option D) does not directly address the function of trusted certificates within Network Integrity.
Which SES feature helps administrators apply policies based on specific endpoint profiles?
In Symantec Endpoint Security (SES), Device Groups enable administrators to apply policies based on specific endpoint profiles. Device Groups categorize endpoints according to characteristics like department, location, or device type, allowing tailored policy application that meets the specific security needs of each group. By using Device Groups, administrators can efficiently manage security policies, ensuring relevant protections are applied based on the endpoint's profile.
What does a ranged query return or exclude?
A ranged query in Symantec Endpoint Security returns or excludes data that falls between two specified values for a given field. This type of query is beneficial for filtering data within specific numeric or date ranges. For instance:
Numeric Ranges: Ranged queries can be used to filter data based on a range of values, such as finding log entries with file sizes between certain values.
Date Ranges: Similarly, ranged queries can isolate data entries within a specific date range, which is useful for time-bound analysis.
This functionality allows for more targeted data retrieval, making it easier to analyze and report specific subsets of data.
An organization is considering a single site for their Symantec Endpoint Protection environment. What are two (2) reasons that the organization should consider? (Select two)
When considering a single-site deployment for Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP), the following two factors support this architecture:
Sufficient WAN Bandwidth (B):
A single-site SEP environment relies on robust WAN bandwidth to support endpoint communication, policy updates, and threat data synchronization across potentially distant locations.
High bandwidth ensures that endpoints remain responsive to management commands and receive updates without significant delays.
Delay-free, Centralized Reporting (C):
A single-site architecture enables all reporting data to be stored and accessed from one location, providing immediate insights into threats and system health across the organization.
Centralized reporting is ideal when administrators need quick access to consolidated data for faster decision-making and incident response.
Why Other Options Are Not As Relevant:
Organizational mergers (A) and legal constraints (E) do not necessarily benefit from a single-site architecture.
24x7 admin availability (D) is more related to staffing requirements rather than a justification for a single-site SEP deployment.