At ValidExamDumps, we consistently monitor updates to the Blue Prism AD01 exam questions by Blue Prism. Whenever our team identifies changes in the exam questions,exam objectives, exam focus areas or in exam requirements, We immediately update our exam questions for both PDF and online practice exams. This commitment ensures our customers always have access to the most current and accurate questions. By preparing with these actual questions, our customers can successfully pass the Blue Prism Accredited Developer exam on their first attempt without needing additional materials or study guides.
Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by Blue Prism in their Blue Prism AD01 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their Blue Prism Accredited Developer exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the Blue Prism AD01 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
A process contains only 4 stages. Study the following process flow.
The data item New Date is a date data item with no initial value.
The calculation stage is configured as follows:
What will happen when you execute the Create Date stage?
Which of the following stages can be found in BOTH the Object Studio and the Process Studio'' Select the TWO correct responses.
In Blue Prism, certain stages can be found in both Object Studio and Process Studio. These stages are:
Read Stage (Option C): This stage is used to read data from elements and variables. It is available in both Object Studio and Process Studio.
Write Stage (Option D): This stage is used to write data to elements and variables. It is also available in both Object Studio and Process Studio.
The other stages listed in the options are specific to either Object Studio or Process Studio, but not both.
Reference Refer to the Blue Prism documentation and training materials which outline the stages available in Object Studio and Process Studio.
In which of these scenarios is it ok not to use a Blue Prism work queue as part of your Blue Prism solution?
Please refer to the exhibits.
This is a detail of a Process sub-page
* Sign Up Dale Current Date and Expiry Date Dala Hems are of the Date data type
* Status and Output Data Items are of the Text' data type.
What is the output of this logic when the page is executed till its End stage'
Data Items and Types:
Sign Up Date: 04-05-2023 (Date data type)
Current Date: 13-06-2023 (Date data type)
Expiry Date: 04-07-2023 (Date data type)
Status: Text data type
Output: Text data type
Decision Stage:
The decision checks if Current Date > Expiry Date.
13-06-2023 is not greater than 04-07-2023, so the decision evaluates to No.
Calc1 and Calc3 Execution:
Since the decision is No, Calc1 and Calc3 are executed.
Calc1 is not shown, but it must set Status to something other than 'Expired' (possibly 'Active').
Calc3 concatenates Status and Expiry Date to form the final output.
Expected Output:
If Calc1 sets Status to 'Active', Calc3 will produce the output:
Subscription Status = Active; Expiration Date = 04-07-2023
Final Output:
Given the logic and data provided, if Calc1 does not change Status from 'Expired' (it wasn't executed due to decision No path):
Subscription Status = Expired. Expiration Date = 04-07-2023
If the decision path was intended to show Expired status, then:
Subscription Status = Expired; Expiration Date = 04-07-2023.
Blue Prism documentation on decision stages and data type handling in expressions.
Study at the following diagram which is an extract from a sub-page of a process being tested in Process Studio:
There are no breakpoints in the "Access Customer Account" subpage however there is an error.
What will happen if you choose to step out (SHIFT+ F11) when debugging the process?