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Consider the following list of statements about audits and management reviews:
Audits are usually more effective than management reviews at finding defects
Audits and management reviews have the same main goals, the only difference is related to the roles and level of formality
A typical outcome of an audit includes observations and recommendations, corrective actions and a pass/fail assessment
An audit is not the appropriate mechanism to use at the code review in order to detect defects prior to dynamic testing
Which of the following statements is true?
Number of correct responses: 1
You are performing a quality risk analysis for a CSCI (Computer Software Configuration Item) used to implement a CBIT (Continuous Built-In Test) module of a safety-critical system.
During the quality risk analysis you are trying to identify the ways in which failures of the CBIT module can occur, for each of them trying to determine the potential causes and likely effects, and the risk level (calculated as the product of three factors: severity, occurrence and detection).
Which of the following risk analysis techniques are you working with?
Number of correct responses: 1
You are estimating the effort for the integration testing activities of a new project. Consider the following factors, which can affect that estimation:
Availability of re-usable test systems and documentation from previous, similar projects
Unexpected timing of components arrival
Stability of the integration test team (no turnover)
Many and geographically distributed sub-teams
Which of the following statements is true?
Number of correct responses: 1
You are the Test Manager of a new project that will have three formal levels of testing: unit, integration and system testing. The testing strategy you decide to adopt a blend of risk-based testing and reactive testing strategies.
Which of the following answers describes the most consistent example of implementation of this test strategy during the execution of the system tests?
Number of correct responses: 1
During the system testing phase a tester from your test team observes a failure in the system under test and he/she decides to create an incident report. The incident report is currently in a ''new'' state, indicating it needs to be investigated.
Which THREE of the following information items can't yet be present in the incident report?
Number of correct responses: 3
(2 credits out of 3 credits correct, 1 credit point)