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Furlow and Hall is an interior decorating business. Specializing in high-quality handmade soft furnishings and a best spoke design service. The business uses a small number of highly skilled craftspeople to make its products using traditional techniques.
Mrs Tieback, who sews the curtains for Furlow and Hall, is retiring later this year. Her local council has discovered that she has a workshop at her home and has informed her she is liable for business rates. This will lead to increased costs and so it is no longer economically viable for her to continue working.
Where would Mrs Tieback be shown on an organisational model of Furlow and Hall?
A sports club rents out its playing field, the name tor this business process is 'book playing field'. If the playing field is available, the booking is accepted and the following steps are immediately undertaken by a staff member
1. Details of the booking are recorded on the club's computer system;
2. A new hooking record is created (manual record).
3. The amount of the deposit taken is recorded on the booking record (manual record);
4. The staff member records the booking on a planning chart (manual record),
5. An electronic booking confirmation is automatically sent to the customer,
6. A copy of the booking record is sent to the club manager (manual record)
How SHOULD these steps be reflected on the swimlane for the business process 'book playing field?
What is NOT clear from the following fragment of a business process model?
A local authority has declared that crime statistics will be publish every month, summarizing crimes in the are
a. An additional report will be provided it a major including has been recorded by the police in that month. To fulfill this requirement, the policies performance team has initiated a process requiring all police units to send in detailed crime reports one week before the end of the month. This will allow time to validate, collate and issue the statistics required by the local authority. The statistics will be approved by the police before being released for publication.
Required by the local authority. The statistics will be approved by the police board before released for publication.
From the perspective of the police force, what would be considered a) an external event and b) internal event?
A business analyst has suggested that a process map should be built by first examining the product and services the organization provides. Before considering what process are needed to deliver these products and services.
Which model would support this approach to building a process map?