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A group of stakeholders at FlyMe travel operators are in a meeting to discus the Business Activity Model (BAM) for a new subsidiary business. They are planning to launch a new offering, which will offer flight bundle' packages for organization that regularly need to send their staff overseas. The following activities have been identified so far:
a) Monitor flight bundle' sates
b) Sell "night bundles*
c) Determine demand amongst existing customers
d) Identify potential airline earners
e) Determine 'flight bundle' locations,
f) Define bundle pricing.
Although the Operations Director for FlyMe is supportive of the new business proposition, she is not entirely convinced there is a gap in the market, nor is she confident that the idea will be profitable.
With these concerns in mind, which planning activities will she be keen to ensure are discussed before the meeting ends?
Activity c is important to determine demand amongst existing customers and identify potential airline earners. Activity d is important to determine the locations of flight bundles, and activity e is important to define bundle pricing. Activity a and b are important to monitor flight bundle sales and sell 'night bundles', but they are not as important as activities c, d, and e in determining the viability of the new business proposition.
Part of the management summary of a business case is detailed below:
The key recommendation is that we proceed with the preferred option, a new process and a new IT system. We feel that this option is feasible. although we recognise there Is a risk of lower staff productivity while the new system Is being established '
Which category of costs or benefits has been described?
The extract describes intangible costs. The costs mentioned in the extract are the potential lower staff productivity while the new system is being established, which are intangible costs
ParcelGo is a distribution company. Parcels arrive at its warehouse, where the inbound team use handheld barecode scanners to acknowledge their receipt. Parcels are then loaded onto pallets for onward distribution.
A project as been commissioned to replace the labour-intensive process and introduce a fully-automated system ha reads he barecodes pf parcels as they pass along a coveryor belt, automatically delivering to the correct area of the warehouse for onward distribution.
Staff from the inbound have informed their manager that about 30% of parcels either do not have barcodes, or the barcodes are obscured. The team currently resolves this issue manually. But the concerned that the new automated system will be able to do this. The staff members are also worried the system will make their roles redundant.
Using a holist approach, which element of the POPIT model need further investigation in order to address the team's concerns?
The POPIT model is focused on the integration of Process, Organisation, People, Information, and Technology. In this case, it is important to investigate the People and Process elements in order to address the team's concerns.
For Process, it is important to ensure that the new automated system is able to handle the 30% of parcels that either do not have barcodes or have obscured barcodes. This will require the development of a process to ensure that these parcels are accounted for and handled appropriately.
For People, it is important to ensure that the staff members are not made redundant and that their roles remain necessary. This may involve ensuring that the staff are given adequate training to be able to understand and use the new automated system, and that there are still tasks which require a human touch that the new system cannot perform. It is also important to ensure that the team members are given the necessary support and resources to transition to the new system and maintain their roles.
The management of a chain of hotels has decided that one of its Critical Success Factors (CSF) is to provide excellent customer service'. The following measures have been suggested:
a) The number of customers who make use of their m-room mini bar
b) The percentage of customers who use the leisure facilities
c) The number of customers who complain.
d) The percentage of customers who join the hotel loyalty scheme
e) The percentage of customers who return
Which of these are appropriate Key Performance indicators (KPIs) for the GSF 'provide excellent customer service?
A company produces kitchens to order. Customers specify the design of the kitchen by using a computer-aided design tool, provided on the company's website. The tool allows customers to select products, such as cabinets and cookers, and place them into a floor plan of the kitchen that they have specified.
Once the customer confirms the design, an order is placed and the customer is given a planned installation date for the kitchen. The company orders the raw materials for the kitchen and the kitchen is built by its skilled carpenters The customer can track the progress of the build on the Internet. If the kitchen Is likely to be delivered later than originally promised, a control action is taken to bring it back on schedule
A Business Activity Model (BAM) developed for the company has 'sell bespoke kitchens' as its doing activity.
Which of the following activities would be directly linked by a logical dependency arrow to or from this doing activity?
The activity directly linked by a logical dependency arrow to the doing activity of 'sell bespoke kitchens' is 'Track build'. Tracking the build is necessary in order to ensure that the kitchen is delivered on time and that any issues that arise during the build can be addressed quickly.