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On an Avaya IP Office solution, which application can be used to access a Voicemail Pro configuration?
On an Avaya IP Office solution, the Web Manager application can be used to access a Voicemail Pro configuration. Monitor, WebLM, and the System Status Application are not applicable to access a Voicemail Pro configuration.
Avaya IP Office (
Avaya IP Office Voicemail Pro (
When dialing a number on an Avaya IP Office telephone, which dialed number has the highest priority?
When dialing a number on an Avaya IP Office telephone, the User Extension Number has the highest priority. This means that if a user dials a number that matches a User Extension Number, the call will be routed to that extension. The Outgoing Line Group ID, Route ID, and System Short Code all have lower priority and will only be used if the user does not enter a valid User Extension Number.
Avaya IP Office (
Which password is needed to reset the security settings using the Manager application on an Avaya IP Office solution?
The System Administrator password is needed to reset the security settings using the Manager application on an Avaya IP Office solution. The Root and Security password, Master password, and System Monitor password are not used for resetting security settings.
Avaya IP Office (
Which Voicemail Pro element allows a customer to modify a condition in a call flow without using the Voicemail Pro Client?
The Test User Variable Action in Voicemail Pro allows a customer to modify a condition in a call flow without using the Voicemail Pro Client. This action tests the value of a user variable and then moves the call flow to the appropriate branch. The Set User Variable Action sets a user variable to a specific value, but it does not modify a condition in the call flow. The Test Condition Action also does not modify a condition in the call flow, but instead tests a condition and then moves the call flow to the appropriate branch. The Test User Action tests the user information and then moves the call flow to the appropriate branch.
Avaya IP Office (
Avaya IP Office Voicemail Pro (
In an IP Office configuration some users are granted individual user rights. How would an administrator notice these settings?
In an IP Office configuration, an administrator would notice individual user rights by seeing grayed out fields in the system configuration. A banner, a yellow padlock, and a warning message on the error pane are not indicators of individual user rights.
Avaya IP Office (
Avaya IP Office Manager (