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Which three commands can be used with Network Call Deflection? (Choose three.)
In a multi-site BSR configuration, with 2 remote location site BSR Application form?
Refer to the exhibit.
You configured vectors in your New York and Denver locations to use Look Ahead Interflow. You want your New York location to interflow to your Denver location if the Denver split has less than 10 calls in queue. After setting vectors in the exhibit you find that calls are interflowing to Denver.
What would cause calls to interflow to Denver?
A customer has Avaya Communications systems located in Detroit, Chicago and Denver. All three systems are connected via ISDN Tie dunks. The customer is implementing multi site Best Services Routing (BSR) to intelligently compare resources and find the best call center to service their calls. Status polls from the Denver location to Detroit consistently fail.
What are two reasons that could be the root cause for this failure? (Choose two.)
Refer to the exhibit.
What are three reasons for turning on ''Net Redir'' = y? (Choose three.)