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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by Avaya in their Avaya 72301X exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their Avaya Aura Communication Applications Support Certified Exam exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the Avaya 72301X exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
To validate the initial system status of Breeze with the WebRTC Snap-I, which two components should be
checked? (Choose two.)
The Entity Monitoring column on the Session Manager Dashboard shows two figures per line.
How should these two figures be interpreted?
A technician is trying to access the Avaya Aura Media Server (AAMS) after receiving a troubleshooting
ticket. After failing to enter the system using different web browsers, the technician realizes the incorrect URL was being used.
Which URL must be used to access the AAMS web page?
Refer to the exhibit.
Avaya Tier 3 support receives a case escalated by Tier 2 where the customer cannot receive incoming calls, but can make calls out successfully. The trace shows that the incoming calls arrive at the Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE) but fail to get routed into the customer enterprise network.
Based on this information, what is and is not working?
Communication Manager is working because can make calls out successfully, SBCE is partially working * Notice that the FROM header is an IP address instead of a domain name = CM needs to see domain name. IP address to domain conversion is performed by Topology Hiding.
A customer reports that remote worker users cannot see their feature buttons. Their Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE) was recently damaged and replaced due to a lightning strike. After doing some troubleshooting, support was able to see that PPM was misconfigured in the SBCE.
Which tool was used, and which symptoms were visible that pointed to this issue?