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Which statement about the Avaya Messaging secondary/backup Consolidated Server is true?
In Avaya Messaging, starting from Release 11, the need for Carbonite software to perform replication between the primary and secondary Consolidated Servers has been eliminated. This change simplifies the configuration and maintenance of the secondary/backup Consolidated Server, making it easier to set up and manage high availability solutions.
In Avaya IX Messaging, which service provides unified messaging synchronization to Google through Gmail API, Office365 using EWS link, any IMAP4 compliant email application?
In Avaya IX Messaging, the Content sync engine is the service that provides unified messaging synchronization to various email applications. It is designed to work with Google through the Gmail API, Office365 using the EWS link, and any IMAP4 compliant email application. This synchronization ensures that messages are consistent across different platforms and devices, providing a seamless user experience. Reference:
How many users are supported on Avaya IX Messaging 10.8 Single Server?
Avaya IX Messaging 10.8 Single Server supports up to 4,500 users. This capacity is designed to meet the needs of various enterprise environments, providing a robust and scalable unified messaging solution that integrates seamlessly with existing telephony and email systems.
Which three Operating Systems are Messaging 10.8 SP1 installation? (Choose three.)
Avaya Messaging 10.8 SP1 supports installation on several Windows Server operating systems. The supported versions are Windows Server 2012R2, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019. These operating systems provide the necessary environment for Avaya Messaging to function correctly, offering stability and support for the features required by the messaging system.
If there are data sync issues between the CS and the VSNs, which log folder you would look into?
When encountering data synchronization issues between the CS (Consolidated Server) and the VSNs (Voice Servers), it is essential to investigate the relevant log files. In this case, you would look into the following log folder:
IX-Messaging Install drive > UC > IX > Logs
These logs contain valuable information about system events, errors, and synchronization processes. Analyzing these logs can help identify the root cause of synchronization issues and guide troubleshooting efforts.