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Which three statements regarding the Local View are true? (Choose three.)
A customer with Avaya Aura Contact Center (AACC) wants to create a script in the Local View.
A supervisor with Avaya Aura Contact Center (AACC) would like to create a custom Application Display. The data fields available fall into three categories: cumulative, fixed, and instantaneous.
What is an example of a fixed data field?
A customer with an Avaya Aura Contact Center (AACC) has been notified that due to bad weather the contact center will not be opening today. The customer would like to remotely implement an announcement to explain the reason for the unscheduled closure, and is going to use a Boolean variable to accomplish this.
Which two statements regarding a Boolean variable are true? (Choose two.)
Refer to the exhibit.
The flow in the exhibit has been created in Avaya Aura Contact Center (AACC) Orchestration Designer Scripting. If the automotive skillset is out of service, the caller will hear a technical difficulties announcement, and then proceed to the Logic Block. After the technical difficulties announcement, the caller should be disconnected.
To provide a disconnect, to which block should the technical difficulties output block be connected?
Which function does the Avaya Aura Media Server (AAMS) provide to the Avaya Aura Contact Center (AACC) in a SIP environment?