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Your project will be audited. You need to grant specific permissions to the auditors through a project role.
The auditors do not have any Jira global permissions granted.
Which two permissions can be granted through a project role? (Choose two.)
The two permissions that can be granted through a project role are:
A) see issues with a security level
C) share a dashboard with other auditors
Browse Projects: View the project and its issues.
Create Issues: Create new issues.
Edit Issues: Edit existing issues.
Schedule Issues: Edit the Due Date of an issue, or rank issues on a Scrum board.
Move Issues: Move issues from one project to another, or change the issue type.
Assignable User: Be assigned issues.
Assign Issues: Assign issues to other users.
Resolve Issues: Resolve or reopen issues, or set a resolution when closing issues.
Close Issues: Close issues.
Modify Reporter: Modify the Reporter field of an issue.
Delete Issues: Delete issues from the project.
Link Issues: Link issues to each other, or create sub-tasks under an issue.
Set Issue Security: Set a security level on an issue to control who can see it.
View Voters and Watchers: View the list of voters and watchers for an issue.
Manage Watchers: Add or remove watchers for an issue.
View Read-Only Workflow: View the workflow diagram for an issue, but not edit it.
Manage Sprints: Start, complete, or edit sprints on a Scrum board.
Go to Dashboards > View all dashboards
Find the dashboard to share and click > Share
Click Edit permissions
Under Add Permissions, select Group or Project Role
Choose the auditors project role from the dropdown menu
Click Add
The other options are not correct because:
You need to assign team members to view code commits in the DEV project. An excerpt of the DEV permission scheme is shown.
Which two project roles must they be granted? (Choose two.)
Two project roles that must be granted to view code commits in the DEV project are:
According to the image you sent, the View Development Tools permission determines which users can see development information from tools such as Bitbucket, GitHub, FishEye, and Crucible. This permission is granted to the Project role (Developers) and the Project role (Administrators) in the DEV permission scheme. Therefore, users who are assigned to these roles will be able to view code commits in the DEV project.
The other options are not correct because:
Users do not have the View Development Tools permission in the DEV permission scheme, so they cannot see code commits in the DEV project.
Sprinters do not have the View Development Tools permission in the DEV permission scheme, so they cannot see code commits in the DEV project.
Managers do not have the View Development Tools permission in the DEV permission scheme, so they cannot see code commits in the DEV project.
Kim needs a single dashboard gadget that displays the following information for issues in her project:
* the total count of all issues
* the total count of each issue type
* the distribution of each issue type as a percentage
* a graphical chart display of that percentage
Which gadget meets this need?
The gadget that meets Kim's need is theIssue Statisticsgadget. This gadget displays the collection of issues returned from a filter, broken down by a field. Kim can configure the gadget to use her project as the filter, and the issue type as the field. The gadget will then show the following information for issues in her project:
the total count of all issues
the total count of each issue type
the distribution of each issue type as a percentage
a graphical chart display of that percentage
The other gadgets are not suitable because:
TheHeat Mapgadget displays issues from a project or filter, grouped by a statistic type, in a heat map format. Issues can be grouped by any statistic type (e.g. Status, Priority, Assignee, etc). However, this gadget does not show the total count of all issues, nor the distribution of each issue type as a percentage.
TheTwo Dimensional Filter Statisticsgadget displays issues from a filter in a table format, where each cell shows the number of issues for a given combination of two statistics types (e.g. Status vs Priority, Assignee vs Issue Type, etc). This gadget does not show the total count of all issues, nor a graphical chart display of that percentage.
TheFilter Resultsgadget displays the results of an issue filter on the dashboard. This gadget does not show any summary or breakdown of the issues by any field, nor a graphical chart display of that percentage.
TheIssues in Progressgadget displays all issues that are in progress and assigned to the user viewing the dashboard. This gadget does not show any information about other issues or issue types in the project, nor a graphical chart display of that percentage.
A product owner is responsible for two scrum teams. He needs to:
* see a snapshot displaying key sprint information like time elapsed and percentage of scope change
* monitor the overall progress of the next release to determine if it will ship on time
Which two gadgets will show this information? (Choose two.)
Your team failed to meet their last sprint commitment and you want to investigate further. You need an agile report that:
* shows you a list of the incomplete issues in the sprint
* allows you to quickly view that list in the Issue Navigator
Which report meets this need?