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Managers want to ensure that every issue in Jira always has an assignee.
Which change will definitely meet this requirement?
* Your project is configured as follows:
* several issue types, components and versions
* a single, simple unique workflow -- OPEN --> IN PROGRESS --> DONE
* Fix Version(s) can be set on the transition to IN PROGRESS
* Component(s) are required and new issues are automatically assigned to component leads
* all component leads are members of the Administrators project role
* Now you have to implement the following requirements:
* an affected version needs to be added to the issue upon creation
* only component leads can choose or add a fix version when the issue is transitioned to IN PROGRESS
What two configurations are prerequisites to meet the requirements? (Choose two.)
A dashboard displays an Issue Statistics gadget as shown.
The dashboard owner wants to change the order of the statuses shown in the gadget to appear as follows.
* To Do
* In Progress
* Ready For QA
* Blocked
* Rejected
* Done
Which action will permanently arrange the statuses into the required order? NO:s/How-to-change-order-of-statuses-in-a-Two-
A project is using the Approval workflow shown.
The project lead has communicated the following change requests:
* It should be possible to transition issues into the Awaiting Approval status from any other status apart from the Approved status.
* Different transition screens will be needed for each transition into the Awaiting Approval status
How do you configure the workflow to satisfy these requirements?
Your business users want to know more about what is happening with the issues raised by their business unit.
They gave you a list of situations in which they want to get emails, so you know which parts of the shared notification scheme they want to be added to.
You consult with the project owner.
He doesn't want any changes to the emails that go to developers and testers.
The project owner approves of the business users getting the emails, but he would like to retain control of who
gets emails for his project.
How can you satisfy these requests?