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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by ASTQB in their ASTQB CTAL exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their ASTQB ISTQB Advanced Level exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the ASTQB CTAL exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
Which of the following is correct about test progress monitoring?
I . According to ISQTB syllabus, Product Risks, Defects, Tests, Coverage and Confidence are 5 dimensions that can be used to monitor test progress.
II . Confidence is measured via surveys and questionnaires and outcome is subjective to the person responding.
Ill. Various metrics are used to measure the product risks, tests and coverage.
IV . One outcome of the progress monitoring could be to relax the test exit criteria.
Which of the following statements are true about risks of introducing test automation tools?
I . Poorly designed test cases automated "as is" results in execution errors.
II . Reduce defect detection due to limited manual testing by a tester.
III . Too many dependencies to integrate test tools and test tool limitations.
IV . Unrealistic expectations from management.
Select the matching pair;
I . Contractual Review
II . Requirement Review
III . Design Review
a. Involve Managers, customers and technical staff. Review contract milestones.
b. Involve customers and technical staff. Review design solutions, test cases.
c. Involve auditor. Review compliance to processes and regulations.
d. Involve customers and technical staff. Reviewing functional and non functional requirements, test conditions.
Which of the statements are true about test documentation?
I . IEEE 829 standard contains test documentation template
II . Level test plan is a more detailed document, which has information about testing tasks and milestones.
III . Test plan structures may vary depending on the organization and project.
IV . Test strategy or test plan is not required for safety critical projects.
A College Enrollment application used by ABC College calculates the amount each student has to pay for gym and computer lab usage. The application asks for Student ID, Name and Student's major. Then the application calculates the fee. If student's major is Computer Science, they have to pay the full computer lab fee. If the student's major is not Computer Science, they have to pay only 1/3 rd of the computer lab fee. All students have to pay for the gym membership. How many tests are required for path coverage of the above application?