Cloud Provider X (which owns Cloud X) deploys two physical servers (Physical Servers A and B) and two databases (Databases A and B). Virtual Servers A and B are hosted by Physical Server A and Ready-Made Environments A and B are hosted by Virtual Server B . Virtual Servers C and D are hosted by Physical Server B . Cloud Service Consumer A regularly accesses Virtual Server D in order to test and deploy a new cloud service that was developed on-premise by the cloud consumer organization operating Cloud Service Consumer A . Cloud Service Consumer B (operated by a different cloud consumer organization) has been regularly accessing Ready-Made Environment A in order to develop and deploy a different new cloud service.
Cloud X is a private cloud that, to-date, has been set up within the cloud provider company to provision IT resources free of charge to internal cloud consumers, via PaaS and IaaS delivery models. The cloud consumers that have been operating Cloud Service Consumers A and B represent different IT departments within the company that have been working separately on the development of new cloud services. Cloud Service Consumer A has been accessing Virtual Server D to make necessary configurations and administration settings for the upcoming deployment of a new cloud service that was previously developed outside of Cloud X. Cloud Service Consumer B has been accessing Ready-Made Environment A to develop and now deploy a different new cloud service. Cloud Provider X (which is represented by a separate IT department dedicated to governing and administering Cloud X) determines that it will need to introduce three specific enhancements to Cloud X in order to accommodate both upcoming cloud services. First, it needs to add a way to charge cloud consumers for the usage of cloud services. Secondly, it needs to add a way for new cloud services to be automatically scaled. Finally, it needs to add a way for a cloud consumer to be automatically notified when a cloud service encounters runtime loads that exceed its allocated usage threshold. Which of the following statements accurately describes a solution that fulfills all three identified requirements?
Cloud Provider X (which owns Cloud X) deploys two physical servers (Physical Servers A and B) and two databases (Databases A and B). Virtual Servers A and B are hosted by Physical Server A and Ready-Made Environments A and B are hosted by Virtual Server B . Virtual Servers C and D are hosted by Physical Server B . Cloud Service Consumer A regularly accesses Virtual Server D in order to test and deploy a new cloud service that was developed on-premise by the cloud consumer organization operating Cloud Service Consumer A . Cloud Service Consumer B (operated by a different cloud consumer organization) has been regularly accessing Ready-Made Environment A in order to develop and deploy a different new cloud service. The cloud consumer organizations that own and operate Cloud Service Consumers A and B will soon be ready to launch their respective cloud services for use by their customers. Both cloud consumer organizations are concerned that Cloud X does not provide sufficient security and they demand that Cloud Provider X take the necessary steps to mitigate the denial of service, insufficient authorization and overlapping trust boundaries security threats.
Which of the following statements accurately describes the cloud delivery models used now by the cloud service consumers and in the future by their customers - and - further describes a solution that fulfills the identified security requirements by implementing a single cloud security mechanism?
Cloud Provider X has deployed a virtualization environment in Cloud X comprised of Physical Server A hosting Virtual Servers A and B. Cloud Provider X implements Cloud Service A on Virtual Server A and makes it available to Cloud Service Consumer A, which interacts with Cloud Service A by sending and receiving messages (1, 2). Cloud Provider Y has deployed a virtualization environment comprised of Physical Server B hosting Virtual Servers C and D. Virtual Server C is made available to Cloud Service Consumer B, which interacts with Virtual Server C (3,4) in order to prepare for the deployment of a new cloud service that will be used internally by Cloud Provider Y to process data obtained from Cloud Service A .
Cloud X is administered by a group of organizations and makes Cloud Service A available only to cloud service consumers from that group. Cloud Consumer Z belongs to one of the organizations within this group. Cloud Y and Cloud Consumer Z are owned by the same organization. Which of the following statements provides a valid scenario that accurately describes the involvement of cloud deployment models, cloud delivery models, roles and/or boundaries? (Note that the correct answer represents one of multiple valid scenarios that can exist.)
The cloud service owner of Cloud Service A is evaluating Clouds X, Y and Z to determine which cloud environment can offer the greatest level of reliability. All three clouds are geographically dispersed across three separate time zones. As a result, each cloud experiences usage peaks at different times. Based on the metrics provided, the greater the usage of a cloud, the lower its reliability. When the cloud service owner complains to Cloud Provider A (the owner of all three clouds) that none of the clouds provide an adequate level of reliability, Cloud Provider A suggests a solution that increases resiliency.
Which of the following statements accurately describes a solution that can be used to fulfill the resiliency requirements of Cloud Service A?
Cloud Provider Y owns Cloud Y, which provides a set of cloud services, virtual servers, and one physical server. Cloud Services A and B are hosted on Virtual Server A, which is hosted by Physical Server A . Physical Server A also hosts Virtual Server B, which hosts redundant implementations of Cloud Services A and B for load balancing purposes. Cloud Service Consumer A is accessing Cloud Service A located on Virtual Server A . Cloud Service Consumer B is accessing Cloud Service B located on Virtual Server B . Cloud Service Consumers A and B are both owned by Cloud Consumer X. Cloud Consumer X has recently complained that Cloud Service A is becoming increasingly unreliable. Cloud Provider Y launches an investigation that reveals that Virtual Server A has been crashing sporadically due to successful malicious intermediary attacks where malicious service agents have been inserting harmful data into messages sent by Cloud Service Consumer A to Cloud Service A
Which of the following statements describes a solution that can mitigate the malicious intermediary attacks that have been occurring on Virtual Server A - and - can further help prevent the same types of attacks from occurring on Virtual Server B?