Free APMG-International Better-Business-Cases-Practitioner Exam Actual Questions

The questions for Better-Business-Cases-Practitioner were last updated On Feb 19, 2025

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Question No. 1

Using the Scenario, answer the following questions about the Management Case section of the Full Business Case for

the Pittville project.

Decide whether the entry is appropriate for the document identified and select the responses that support your decision.

Remember to select 2 answers to each question.

The Programme and Project Management Framework section states:

1. The Programme Director is to be responsible for the Western Area Learning Improvements Programme.

2. Project progress reports are to be provided to the Consortium at the end of each month.

Which 2 statements apply to these entries?

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Correct Answer: A, E

Question No. 2

Answer the following questions about the benefits realization strategy, framework and plans that have been drafted for

the Pittville project.

Decide whether the entry is appropriate for the document identified and select the responses that support your decision.

Remember to select 2 answers to each question.

The Management Case states that the Western Area Learning Improvements Programme Director is ultimately responsible for:

1. Delivering the benefits of the Pittville project

2. Ensuring arrangements have been made to realize the benefits.

Which 2 statements apply to these entries?

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Correct Answer: A, D

Question No. 3

Using the Scenario, answer the following questions about scoping the proposal and preparing the Strategic Outline Case for

the Pittville project.

Decide whether the approach is appropriate for stage 1, and select the response that supports your decision.

There is a risk that the local planning authority may reject proposals for development of the Old Fire Station Headquarters site. This

will cause delays to the project.

Should this risk be recorded as an external non-systemic risk within the Strategic Outline Case?

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Correct Answer: C

Question No. 4

Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Proposed key contractual clauses heading?

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Correct Answer: A, B

Question No. 5

There is a need to meet regulations that address the needs of those with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities

Should this item be recorded as a dependency within the Strategic Outline Case?

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Correct Answer: D