Free APMG-International Artificial-Intelligence-Foundation Exam Actual Questions

The questions for Artificial-Intelligence-Foundation were last updated On Feb 22, 2025

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Question No. 2

What term do computer scientists and economists use to describe how happy an agent is?

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Correct Answer: D

Computer scientists and economists use the term 'utility' to describe how happy an agent is. Utility is a measure of satisfaction or preference, and it is used to evaluate an agent's satisfaction with a particular outcome. Utility can be used to determine the optimal decision or action for an agent to take in order to maximize its satisfaction. Reference:

[1] BCS Foundation Certificate In Artificial Intelligence Study Guide, 'Decision Making and Planning', p.99-100. [2], 'Foundations of Artificial Intelligence' [3], 'Foundations of Artificial Intelligence'

Question No. 3

What does TRL stand for?

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Correct Answer: C

Technology Readiness Level(TRL) Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) are a method of estimating the technology maturity of Critical Technology Elements (CTE) of a program during the acquisition process.,Technology%20Readiness%20Level%20(TRL),program%20during%20the%20acquisition%20process.

TRL stands for Technology Readiness Level and is a measure of how close a technology is to being ready for use in a real-world environment. TRL is used to assess the progress of research and development of a technology, ranging from basic research (TRL 1) to fully operational (TRL 9). TRL is used to help determine the level of completion of a technology and its potential success in a real-world environment.

Question No. 4

Ensemble learning methods do what with the hypothesis space?

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Correct Answer: A,and%20combine%20them%20to%20use.

It works by selecting different subsets of the data, or different combinations of the hypothesis, and combining the results of each prediction in order to create a single, more accurate result. This is useful in situations where different hypothesis may be accurate in different parts of the data, or where a single hypothesis may not be accurate in all cases. Ensemble learning is used in a variety of applications, from computer vision to natural language processing.