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Identify one of the five steps of a benefits management plan and state one action you would take to apply it to ensure the successful realization of project benefits.
Benefit: Benefits Realization Tracking.
Action: Regularly monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure the project is delivering the expected outcomes.
Tracking KPIs allows project teams to measure the realization of benefits throughout the project lifecycle, ensuring alignment with objectives.
According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following best illustrates a leader who positively impacts team performance and motivation?
Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory: Motivational factors such as recognition and teamwork improve employee satisfaction and performance.
Unsuitable Options:
B: Lack of engagement hinders motivation.
C: Micromanagement stifles team autonomy.
D: Career opportunities are long-term but situational feedback is crucial for day-to-day motivation.
You are the project manager for a large-scale rebranding project. During a critical phase, it becomes evident that additional funding is necessary to address unforeseen challenges.
Which role within the project would you approach to authorise the updated business case and secure the necessary funds to ensure the project's continuation?
The project sponsor is responsible for securing and authorizing funding for the project.
While the project steering board provides strategic direction, the sponsor directly manages resources to keep the project on track.
Which of the below would not usually be recorded within a change request?
Stakeholder opinion is generally gathered during requirements or stakeholder management but is not a standard part of a formal change request.
Change requests typically include areas of impact, cost estimates, and anticipated benefits.
PESTLE is a technique that can be used to determine factors that may impact or influence a project's business case. What does the letter "S" in PESTLE represent?
Sociological Factors: Include societal norms, demographics, and cultural aspects that influence project success.
PESTLE Context: Addresses Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors.