The image in this question includes a part of Android Studio tools bar.
Which of the following choices is correct about the missing icon name (represented by question marks)?
When you build a Flutter app, you can use an Android or an IPhone emulator to test your app UI (user interface ) and its work flow. But you can NOT test this app on a real Android or IPhone device before publishing your app on Apple or Google store.
You can add or import a new font to your Flutter by pasting this font file in a font folder in your Flutter project without needing to declare this font file or the font folder in the pubspec.ymal. Is this correct ?
This widget is used to wrap a Column, Row, Container, or other widgets. This widget adds a filling size around the child widget.
Which of the following term is this definition for?
Which of the following property should you use to add a label, icon, and an inline hint text to the TextField widget ?