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Which AWS service or feature will search for and identify AWS resources that are shared externally?
A company wants to manage its cloud resources by using infrastructure as code (laC) template.....
Which AWS service should the company use to meet these requirements?
AWS Service Catalog enables companies to create, manage, and distribute catalogs of approved infrastructure as code (IaC) templates and software configurations. This service supports infrastructure automation by allowing users to deploy resources using predefined templates, which align with the company's policies and best practices. It helps in managing cloud resources at scale by utilizing IaC principles, enabling consistent deployments, and enforcing governance across AWS resources. AWS Service Catalog is an excellent choice for organizations implementing IaC.
A company wants to allow users to authenticate and authorize multiple AWS accounts by using a single set of credentials.
Which AWS service or resource will meet this requirement?
When a user wants to utilize their existing per-socket, per-core, or per-virtual machine software licenses for a Microsoft Windows server running on AWS, which Amazon EC2 instance type is required?
A company hosts an application on an Amazon EC2 instance. The EC2 instance needs to access several AWS resources, including Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB.
What is the MOST operationally efficient solution to delegate permissions?
Creating an IAM role with the required permissions and attaching the role to the EC2 instance is the most operationally efficient solution to delegate permissions. An IAM role is an entity that defines a set of permissions for making AWS service requests. An IAM role can be assumed by an EC2 instance to access other AWS resources, such as Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB, without having to store any credentials on the instance. This solution is more secure and scalable than using IAM users and their access keys. For more information, see [IAM Roles for Amazon EC2] and [Using an IAM Role to Grant Permissions to Applications Running on Amazon EC2 Instances].
Topic 2, Exam Pool B