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Which of the following statements is NOT correct, when comparing RDS with a self-built database?
The statement A is not correct, because self-built databases do not support quick deployment and elastic scaling. On the contrary, self-built databases require hardware procurement, data center hosting, and machine deployment, which can be time consuming and costly. Moreover, self-built databases have low resource utilization, as they have to accommodate peak traffic requirements, while RDS can scale elastically according to the actual demand. Reference: = ApsaraDB for RDS vs. Self-built Databases - Alibaba Cloud
After activating an SLB, it will be assigned an IP address. The SLB will keep this IP address until it is released.
Alibaba Cloud SLB instances are assigned a public or private IP address when created, and this IP remains unchanged for the life of the SLB instance. The IP address will only be released when the SLB instance itself is deleted.
Many of Alibaba Cloud services provide highly reliable data storage capacity. For example, Object Storage Service (OSS) promises that its data reliability is no less than 99 99999999%. This high data reliability is solely achieved by RAID 0+1 redundancy technology.
Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) does not solely rely on RAID 0+1 redundancy technology to achieve high data reliability. OSS uses a distributed system architecture to store data across multiple devices and servers. OSS also supports cross-region replication (CRR) to replicate data across different regions for disaster recovery. OSS is designed for 99.9999999999% (12 9's) data durability and 99.995% service availability12. Reference:
Object Storage Service (OSS) - Alibaba Cloud
What is OSS? - Object Storage Service - Alibaba Cloud Documentation Center
An online education website is built based on ECS. SLB and Auto Scaling, which greatly reduces resource cost, O&M cost and without compromising system stability and user experience.
Now. the website admin wants to keep the user information (such as source IP, accessed URLs, and duration on each page) for analysis to support their upcoming campaign events In this case, which of the following statements is NOT correct?
This statement is not correct because it is not a good practice to store user access information on each ECS instance in the scaling group. This is because the ECS instances are dynamic and can be added or removed by the Auto Scaling service based on the load and demand. Therefore, the data stored on the ECS instances may be lost or inconsistent if the instances are terminated or replaced. Moreover, this approach does not provide a centralized and unified way to access and analyze the data, which may affect the accuracy and efficiency of the analysis. Therefore, it is better to use other services such as ApsaraDB for RDS, ApsaraDB for Memcache, or OSS to store the user access information in a persistent and scalable manner. Reference: Auto Scaling, ApsaraDB for RDS, ApsaraDB for Memcache, OSS
Alibaba Cloud OSS is a cloud storage service that features massive capacity, outstanding security, low cost, and high reliability. OSS uses multiple copies of data to achieve data redundancy and can restore interrupted OSS services within two minutes when hardware failure occurs.
Alibaba Cloud OSS ensures high reliability and availability by maintaining multiple copies of data across different physical locations, allowing it to recover within minutes in the event of hardware failures. This redundancy mechanism provides strong data durability and service continuity.