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In order to improve the processing efficiency when using MaxCompute, you can specify the partition when creating a table. That is, several fields in the table are specified as partition columns. Which of the following descriptions aboutMaxCompute partition table are correct? (Number of correct answers: 4)
MaxCompute is a general purpose, fully managed, multi-tenancy data processing platform for largescale data warehousing, and it is mainly used for storage and computing of batch structured data. Which
of the following is not a use case for MaxCompute?
Score 2
If a MySQL database contains 100 tables, and jack wants to migrate all those tables to MaxCompute
using DataWorks Data Integration, the conventional method would require him to configure 100 data
synchronization tasks. With _______ feature in DataWorks, he can upload all tables at the same time.
Score 2
Apache Spark included in Alibaba E-MapReduce(EMR) is a fast and general-purpose cluster computing
system. It provides high-level APIs in Java, Scala, Python and R, and an optimized engine that supports
general execution graphs. It also supports a rich set of higher-level tools. Which of the following tools
does not be included in Spark?
Score 2
You want to understand more about how users browse your public website. For example, you want to know which pages they visit prior to placing an order. You have a server farm of 100 web servers hosting your website. Which is the most efficient process to gather these web servers across logs into traditional Hadoop ecosystem.