Free AIWMI CCRA-L2 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for CCRA-L2 were last updated On Feb 19, 2025

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Question No. 1

Two economies HardLand and SincereLand have provided following information with respect to their economies in USD Billion:

Based on the above information which entity is better in terms of current account deficit %?

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Correct Answer: B

Question No. 2

Short term rates are determined by____________

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Correct Answer: B

Question No. 3

If you yield curve is humped and the medium rates drop, what will happen to the yield curve?

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Correct Answer: C

Question No. 4

Under an advance factoring contract, following flow of money takes place:

A: Factor pays a percentage of the invoice face value to the seller at the time of sale

B: The remainder of the purchase price is held by factor until the payment by the account debtor is made.

C: The cost associated with the transaction is paid upfront by the seller to the factoring agent.

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Correct Answer: D

Question No. 5

''Following four entities operate in the Indian IT and BPO space. They all are into same segment of providing off-shore analytical services. They all operate on the labour cost-arbitrage in India and the countries of their clients. Following information pertains for the year ended March 31, 2013.

The year FY13, was typically a good year for Indian IT companies. For FY14, the economic analysts have given following predictions about the IT Industry:

A) It is expected that INR will appreciate sharply against other USD.

B) Given high inflation and attrition in IT Industry in India, the wages of IT sector employees will increase more sharply than Inflation and general wage rise in country.

C) US Congress will be passing a bill which restricts the outsourcing to third world countries like India.

While analyzing the four entities, you come across following findings related to Glowing:

Glowing is promoted by Mr.M R Bhutta, who has earlier promoted two other business ventures, He started with ABC Entertainment Ltd in 1996 and was promoter and MD of the company. ABC was a listed entity and its share price had sharp movements at the time of stock market scam in late 1990s. In 1999, Mr. Bhutta sold his entire stake and resigned from the post of MD. The stock price declined by about 90% in coming days and

has never recovered. Later on in 2003, Mr. Bhutta again promoted a new business, Klear Publications Ltd (KCL) an in the business of magazine publication. The entity had come out with a successful IPO and raised money from public. Thereafter it ran into troubles and reported losses. In 2009, Mr. Bhutta went on to exit this business as well by selling stake to other promoter(s). There have been reports in both instances with allegations that promoters have siphoned off money from listed entities to other group entities, however, nothing has been proved in any court.''

Which entity is best in terms of overall gearing ratio and net gearing ratio respectively:

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Correct Answer: C