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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by AHIP in their AHIP AHM-530 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their AHIP Network Management exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the AHIP AHM-530 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
One true statement about the Medicaid program in the United States is that:
The following statements are about factors that health plans should consider as they develop provider networks in rural and urban markets. Three of the statements are true, and one of the statements is false. Select the answer choice that contains the FALSE statement.
The following situations illustrate violations of federal antitrust laws:
Situation A Two HMOs split a large employer group by agreeing to let one HMO market to some company employees and to let the second HMO market to different company employees.
Situation B Members of a physician-hospital organization (PHO) that has significant market share jointly agreed to exclude a physician from joining the PHO solely because that physician has admitting privileges at a competing hospital.
From the following answer choices, select the response that best identifies the types of violations illustrated by these situations:
The Brice Health Plan submitted to Clarity Health Services a letter of intent indicating Brice's desire to delegate its demand management function to Clarity. One true statement about this letter of intent is that it
Federal laws---including the Ethics in Patient Referrals Act, the Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Act of 1973, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), and the Federal Trade Commission Act---have impacted the ways that health plans conduct business. For instance, the Mosaic Health Plan must comply with the following federal laws in order to operate:
Regulation 1: Mosaic must establish a mandated grievance resolution mechanism, including a method for members to address grievances with network providers.
Regulation 2: Mosaic must not allow its providers to refer Medicare and Medicaid patients to entities in which they have a financial or ownership interest.
From the answer choices below, select the response that correctly identifies the federal legislation on which Regulation 1 and Regulation 2 are based.