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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by AFP in their AFP CTP exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their AFP Certified Treasury Professional exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the AFP CTP exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
Company XYZ sends an ACH debit file valued at $300,000 with an average item value of $1,000. The file settlement date is March 10. The file contains no duplicate items and items are split equally between corporate and consumer items. One percent of consumer items and 2% of corporate items were returned. What would be the final net settlement value for Company XYZ?
Racklyn Paint Company, a new paint and construction company, has vendor payables of $2 million due periodically over the next 3 months; payroll payable to its crews of $500K each month; a mortgage of $4.4 million with a fixed rate of 6.0%; and an equipment loan of $5 million with a bank at a 30-day LIBOR plus 150 bp payment of $100K due monthly. Racklyn receives their first contract valued at $12 million with half of the contract value due at the time of contract and final payment upon completion. Racklyn expects the job to last 6 months. Which option would be the BEST use of Racklyn Paint Company's cash?
As an internal control tool, what does the matching of an invoice to the original purchase confirm?
Recent improvements in the effectiveness of corporate governance are mostly due to the:
A company has average monthly sales of $2,700, of which 5 percent is on a cash basis, with the remaining sold on open account. The company's accounts receivable aging schedule at the end of March is as follows:
What is the company's DSO?