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After mapping a segment to an external destination, the user notices in the dataflow run tab that some of the identities have been excluded.
What are two things that could cause this issue? (Choose two.)
A customer sets up a destination with deduplication enabled on phone number and has two customer records that look as shown:
Customer 1
Email: Phone: 555 124 1234 First Name: Mary Last Name: Jones Create Date: 2//2/2012
Customer 2
Phone: 555 124 1234
First Name: Mary
Last Name: J
Create Date: 2//2/2021
What will the destination file look like?
The correct answer is C because it matches the outcome of deduplication enabled on phone number. The destination file will only include one customer record per phone number, and it will choose the record with the earliest create date. In this case, Customer 1 has an earlier create date than Customer 2, so Customer 1 will be included in the destination file and Customer 2 will be excluded. Reference:
A company collects data from a web form on its site. The company wants to merge the data from the form and deduplicate the information against existing customer data:
Company Existing Profile Data:
* companyEmail:
* fName: Celeste
* IName: Brown-Smith
* officePhone: 555-555-7787
* mobilePhone: 555-555-1212
* companyName: Blue Widget Company
* companyPosition: Manager
Data From Web Form Submitted:
* companyEmail:
* fName: Celeste
* IName: Brown-Smith
* officePhone: 555-555-7700
* mobilePhone: 555-555-1212
* companyName: Blue Widget Company
* companyPosition: Director
Assume deduplication by the composite key companyEmail + IName + mobilePhone and the new web form data supersedes current data.
Which entry will the export file contain?
A company launches a Facebook campaign with a custom landing page that was supposed to give a $50 voucher to customers who order within 2 hours of clicking on the link. The web developers forgot to add the tracking code to the checkout process, so the company does not know who ordered from the Facebook campaign-How should an engineer create the segment?
A user wants to target customers who have browsed the website in the last 30 days.
The available attributes are: Last_Website_Browse
Last_App_Browse Last_Activity
The available events are:
Where can the user define time parameters for the segment?