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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by Adobe in their Adobe AD0-E908 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their Adobe Workfront Core Developer Professional exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the Adobe AD0-E908 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
A marketing team has identified a new workflow for a digital deliverable process.
What are the three main benefits of utilizing a project template for their new Workflow? (Choose three.)
Objective: Identify benefits of utilizing a project template for a new digital deliverable process workflow.
Benefit 1: Adherence to an accurate, repeatable process
Benefit 2: Sharing settings completed by default
Benefit 3: Efficiency in creating new projects
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A marketing team has created a new project template for a Print Deliverable workflow. They need to ensure that new projects that use the new template are shared with marketing team only upon project creation.
How would they meet these requirements?
To ensure that new projects created using the new template are shared with the marketing team upon project creation, the marketing team should be added to the template sharing menu. By doing this, every project created from this template will inherit the sharing settings, making it automatically shared with the marketing team.
Workfront documentation on managing template sharing settings explains how to configure templates to automatically share projects with specific teams or users.
A client wants to keep track of project metrics based on the request that was submitted, but they do not want the requestor to fill this information out. How would a system administrator configure this request?
Objective: Track project metrics based on the submitted request without allowing the requester to fill in this information.
Configuration Steps:
Step 1: Create a Custom Form with the necessary metric fields.
Step 2: Do not include these metric fields in the part of the form visible to the requester.
Step 3: Add these metric fields to the project details section instead.
The Adobe Workfront plugin for Creative Cloud allows creatives to collaborate with teams in Workfront without leaving their creative tool of choice. Creatives can find their tasks, view project information, mark work complete, upload documents and manage notifications.
What two other Workfront functions can creatives perform through the plugin? (Choose two.)
Objective: Identify additional Workfront functions available to creatives through the Adobe Workfront plugin for Creative Cloud.
Option C: Log time on work
Option D: Upload basic and automated proofs
What functionality allows users to build effective reporting visualizations with increased visibility and flexible layout options?
Canvas Dashboards:
Canvas Dashboards provide users with the ability to build effective reporting visualizations, offering increased visibility and flexible layout options. They allow for the integration of various report types and interactive elements.