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An Architect needs to integrate an Adobe Commerce store with a new Shipping Carrier. Cart data is sent to the Shipping Carrier's API to retrieve the price and display to the customer. After the feature is implemented on the store, the API hits its quota and returns the error "Too many requests". The Shipping Carrier warns the store about sending too many requests with the same content to the API.
In the carrier model, what should the Architect change to fix the problem?
A merchant is using a unified website that supports native Adobe Commerce B2B and B2C with a single store view.
The merchant's objective is to display the B2B account features, such as negotiable quotes and credit limits, in the header of the site on every page for logged-in users who belong to a B2B company account.
Each B2B company possesses its unique shared catalog and customer group, while numerous customer groups for non-B2B customers undergo changes. The merchant insists that this association should not be linked to customer groups.
Which two solutions should the Architect recommend for consideration, taking into account public data and caching? (Choose two.)
A custom cron job has been added to an Adobe Commerce system to collect data for several reports. Its crontab. xml configuration is as follows:
The job is data intensive and runs for between 20 and 30 minutes each night.
Within a few days of deployment, it is noticed that the sites sitemap. xml file has not been updated since the new job was added.
What should be done to fix this issue?
The issue here is that the gather_reporting_data job is running for a long time and blocking the sitemap_generate job from running. The solution is to create a new cron group for the reporting job and specify <use_separate_process>i</use_separate_process> so that the reporting job runs in a separate process and does not block the sitemap_generate job.Reference:
An Adobe Commerce Architect needs to scope a bespoke news section for a merchants Adobe Commerce storefront. The merchant's SEO agency requests that the following URL structure:
news/{date}/{article_url_key}, where {date} is the publication date of the article, and {article_url_key} is the URL key of the article.
The Architect scopes that a news entity type will be created. The date and URL key data will be stored against each record and autogenerated on save. The values will be able to be manually overridden.
These two options are both valid ways to manage routing for the bespoke news section and adhere to best practice. Option B leverages the existing URL rewrite functionality of Adobe Commerce, which allows creating custom URLs for any entity type and storing them in the database. This option requires creating a standard controller route for the news entity type, such as news/article/view/id/i, where i is the news article ID. Then, on saving each news article, a rewrite rule is generated that maps the internal URL to the desired SEO-friendly URL, such as news/{date}/{article_url_key}. The rewrite rule is stored in the url_rewrite table, which is used by the standard router to match and redirect requests.
Option C involves creating a custom router class that implements \Magento\Framework\App\RouterInterface and runs before the standard router in the routing process. The custom router class can match the news portion of the URL and extract the date and URL key parts from it. Then, it can look for and load a news article that matches those values using a model or repository class. If a match is found, it can set the request parameters accordingly and dispatch the request to a controller action that renders the news article page.
Routing | Adobe Commerce Developer Guide
An Adobe Commerce Architect creates a stopword for the Italian locale named stopwordsjtJT.csv and changes the stopword directory to the following:
What is the correct approach to change the stopwords directory inside the custom module?
According to the Adobe Commerce documentation, the correct approach to change the stopwords directory inside a custom module is to use dependency injection to override the default values of the stopwordsDirectory and stopwordsModule parameters of the \Magento\Elasticsearch\SearchAdapter\Query\Preprocessor\Stopwords class. The stopwordsDirectory parameter specifies the relative path of the stopwords directory from the module directory, while the stopwordsModule parameter specifies the name of the module that contains the stopwords directory. By adding these parameters to the di.xml file of the custom module, the Architect can change the location of the stopwords files without modifying the core code or database.