The merchant needs to create a new website, and is need modify a template the third party vendor's, because the customer is different. The file is found in a module here: app/code/Vendor/Module
Keep it simple in your mind!
Which Ul component property is used for cross tracking property changes?
The listens property is used for cross tracking property changes in the UI component. The listens property defines the dependencies between the properties of different UI components. It allows one UI component to listen to the changes of another UI component's property and react accordingly. For example, the listens property can be used to update the value of a text field based on the selection of a dropdown menu
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to determine which template is rendering a specific element on the storefront. Which two methods can they use to turn on template hints? (Choose two.)
Template hints are a useful tool for frontend developers to determine which template is rendering a specific element on the storefront. Template hints can be turned on using either of these two methods:
In the Admin Panel, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Debug. Set Enabled Template Path Hints for Storefront to Yes
Which two steps are required to delete a manually installed theme? (Choose two.)
To delete a manually installed theme, the developer needs to remove the theme directory from the app/design/frontend directory and also delete the corresponding record from the theme table in the database. The theme:uninstall CLI command is only used for deleting themes that are installed as Composer packages. Disabling the theme from the backend admin configuration does not delete the theme files or records, but only makes it unavailable for use. Reference: [Delete a theme], [theme:uninstall]
An Adobe Commerce developer needs to debug an issue, where the path of the block template was invalid and the warning was added to a log file. Which mode are errors only written to a log file and not displayed?
The default and production modes are the modes where errors are only written to a log file and not displayed on the screen. This is done to prevent exposing sensitive information to users and attackers. The default mode is the mode that Adobe Commerce runs in by default if no other mode is specified. The production mode is the mode that Adobe Commerce runs in when it is deployed to a live site. The developer can use the following command to check the current mode:
bin/magento deploy:mode:show