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An Adobe Commerce developer wants to determine which template is rendering a specific element on the storefront. Which two methods can they use to turn on template hints? (Choose two.)
Template hints are a useful tool for frontend developers to determine which template is rendering a specific element on the storefront. Template hints can be turned on using either of these two methods:
In the Admin Panel, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Debug. Set Enabled Template Path Hints for Storefront to Yes
An Adobe Commerce Developer is adding a new page layout to the theme directory within a custom theme. Which file needs to be created to register the new page layout?
To register a new page layout in a custom theme, the developer needs to create a layouts.xml file in the app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/Magento_Theme/layout directory. The layouts.xml file should contain the <layout> element with the id, label, and file attributes. The id attribute is used to reference the layout in other layout files, the label attribute is used to display the layout name in the admin panel, and the file attribute is used to specify the path to the layout file relative to the web directory of the theme. The app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/layouts.xml and app/design/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/Magento_Theme/layouts.xml files are not valid and will not work. Reference: [Create a new page layout], [layouts.xml]
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to create a sticky widget.
How would the widget be initialized using the data-mage-init attribute?
Option B is the correct way to initialize a widget using the data-mage-init attribute. The attribute value should be a JSON object with the widget name as the key and the widget options as the value. Option A is incorrect because it uses a string instead of an object for the attribute value. Option C is incorrect because it uses a colon instead of a comma to separate the widget name and the options.
Which two steps are required to delete a manually installed theme? (Choose two.)
To delete a manually installed theme, the developer needs to remove the theme directory from the app/design/frontend directory and also delete the corresponding record from the theme table in the database. The theme:uninstall CLI command is only used for deleting themes that are installed as Composer packages. Disabling the theme from the backend admin configuration does not delete the theme files or records, but only makes it unavailable for use. Reference: [Delete a theme], [theme:uninstall]
An Adobe Commerce developer needs to pass JSON data to a JavaScript component while keeping XSS prevention strategies in mind.
Which two options would the developer use? (Choose two.)
To pass JSON data to a JavaScript component while keeping XSS prevention strategies in mind, the developer should use the following options:
Option A: Use the x-magento-init script tag with the data-mage-init attribute and the JSON.parse function to initialize the component with the JSON data. This option is secure because it does not use any HTML tags or attributes that can be exploited by XSS attacks.
Option C: Use the text/x-magento-init script tag with the type attribute and the JSON.parse function to initialize the component with the JSON data. This option is secure because it does not use any HTML tags or attributes that can be exploited by XSS attacks.
The following options are not secure and should not be used:
Option B: Use the script tag with the type attribute and the escapeHtmlAttr function to initialize the component with the JSON data. This option is not secure because it uses the escapeHtmlAttr function, which is meant for escaping HTML attributes, not JSON data. This function can introduce double quotes in the JSON data, which can break the JSON syntax and cause errors.
Option D: Use the script tag with the type attribute and the escapeJsQuote function to initialize the component with the JSON data. This option is not secure because it uses the escapeJsQuote function, which is meant for escaping JavaScript strings, not JSON data. This function can introduce backslashes in the JSON data, which can break the JSON syntax and cause errors.