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Which command can be used to display a full list of enabled and disabled Magento modules?
The command to display a full list of enabled and disabled Magento modules is bin/magento module:status. This command provides a comprehensive overview of all modules within the Magento instance, categorizing them into enabled and disabled modules. This information is crucial for debugging and development purposes, as it allows developers to quickly understand which components of Magento are active and which are not, facilitating troubleshooting and configuration adjustments.
Which has its own root category?
In Magento, each store has its own root category. The root category acts as the top-level category under which all other categories and products are organized for that particular store. This structure allows for different catalog structures across multiple stores within a Magento installation, enabling a tailored product offering and navigation experience for each store. The ability to assign a unique root category to each store is a fundamental aspect of Magento's multi-store functionality, providing the flexibility to cater to diverse market segments or branding requirements.
A client would like to add an image icon in front of the telephone field to the shipping address form on a checkout page. What is the correct way to modify the Ul component to set a custom template file for the field?
To add an image icon in front of the telephone field in the shipping address form on the checkout page, the correct way is to modify the UI component by setting a custom template file for the field. The snippet in option B is the correct one because it uses the <block> element and sets the elementTmpl to the custom template path within the arguments node under the config node. This modification will instruct Magento to use the specified custom template file for rendering the telephone field, allowing for the addition of an image icon in front of it.
How would a developer access RabbitMQ data on an Adobe Commerce Cloud Production environment?
To access RabbitMQ data on an Adobe Commerce Cloud Production environment, you can use local port forwarding. This allows you to forward a port on your local machine to a port on the Production environment. This way, you can connect to RabbitMQ from your local machine.
A developer would access RabbitMQ data on an Adobe Commerce Cloud Production environment using local port forwarding. This is done via an SSH tunnel that securely forwards a port from the local machine to the RabbitMQ service on the cloud environment. RabbitMyAdmin (an option that does not exist) and the Project Web Interface do not provide direct access to RabbitMQ data.
Which Magento project directory is the recommended webroot for the web server?
The Pub/ directory is the recommended webroot for the web server in Magento. This is because it contains all of the static content that is used by the Magento store, such as images, CSS, and JavaScript files.
The recommended webroot for the web server in a Magento project is the pub/ directory. This directory is used to access Magento static files and is the safer option for webroot as it minimizes security risks by not exposing the entire application structure to the web.
The pub/ directory in Magento is designed to be the root directory for web servers. This design choice is intended to enhance security and efficiency by serving static files directly from this location, thereby reducing the need for PHP processing for these files. By setting the webroot to pub/, it ensures that only the necessary files are publicly accessible, protecting the application's core code and structure from external access. This setup is a recommended best practice in Magento development for maintaining a secure and well-organized file system structure.