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A marketer is conducting an in-person seminar and needs to send invitation emails, collect registrations, and check people into the seminar upon arrival.
Which program type would the marketer use to build this seminar?
Which type of Smart Campaign is listening for and automatically responding to person's actions?
Smart Campaigns are the engine of Adobe Marketo Engage that allow you to automate tasks and actions based on different criteria and triggers.
There are three types of Smart Campaigns in Adobe Marketo Engage: Trigger, Batch, and Recurring.
ATriggerSmart Campaign is a type of Smart Campaign that is listening for and automatically responding to a person's actions. For example, you can create a Trigger Smart Campaign that sends an email to a person who fills out a form, or adds a person to a list when they click a link, or updates a person's score when they visit a web page. A Trigger Smart Campaign has one or more triggers in its Smart List that define the actions that will activate the campaign. A Trigger Smart Campaign runs in real time and executes the flow steps immediately for each person who qualifies.
ABatchSmart Campaign is a type of Smart Campaign that runs once or on a specific date and time for a group of people who meet certain criteria. For example, you can create a Batch Smart Campaign that sends a newsletter to a segment of people, or cleans up your database by deleting inactive people, or changes the status of people who attended a webinar. A Batch Smart Campaign has one or more filters in its Smart List that define the criteria that people must match to qualify for the campaign. A Batch Smart Campaign runs at the scheduled time and executes the flow steps for all the qualified people at once.
ARecurringSmart Campaign is a type of Smart Campaign that runs on a regular basis for a group of people who meet certain criteria. For example, you can create a Recurring Smart Campaign that sends a birthday email to people on their birthday, or syncs people to Salesforce every day, or updates the lead source of people who come from a specific channel. A Recurring Smart Campaign has one or more filters in its Smart List that define the criteria that people must match to qualify for the campaign. A Recurring Smart Campaign runs at the specified frequency and executes the flow steps for all the qualified people each time it runs.Reference:
Smart Campaigns 101: A Deep Dive into one of the most important Adobe Marketo Engage Features
Without using Smart Campaigns, communication limits automatically apply to which two program types? (Choose two.)
Communication limits are a feature in Marketo that prevent you from over-emailing your leads by setting a maximum number of emails they can receive per day or per week. Communication limits automatically apply to all email and engagement programs, which are two types of programs that send emails to your leads. Email programs are used to send one-time or recurring emails, while engagement programs are used to send a series of emails over time based on a predefined schedule and logic. You can enable or disable communication limits for each email or engagement program by checking or unchecking the box that says ''If a person has reached communication limits, block non-operational emails''. Operational emails are emails that are marked as critical or transactional and should always be sent regardless of communication limits, unsubscribes, or marketing suspensions. Communication limits do not apply to other types of programs, such as default, event, or webinar programs, unless you use smart campaigns within those programs to send emails. Smart campaigns are a way to define the logic and actions for your marketing activities, such as sending emails, updating lead data, adding leads to lists, etc. You can enable or disable communication limits for each smart campaign by checking or unchecking the same box as above. You can also set the default behavior for smart campaigns in the Admin area, under Communication Limits.Reference:
More Than You Ever Want To Know About Communication Limits
Email Programs
Engagement Programs
Operational Emails
Smart Campaigns
What are two possible purposes of the email preference center? (Choose two.)
Two possible purposes of the email preference center are:
Which type of A/B test would the marketer use to optimize their email's design to increase the email click rate?
To optimize the email's design to increase the email click rate, the marketer would use thewhole emailA/B test type.
A whole email A/B test allows the marketer to compare two completely different versions of an email, with different layouts, images, colors, fonts, and other design elements.
The marketer can create two variants of the email and send them to a random sample of the audience. The performance of each variant is measured by the click rate, which is the percentage of recipients who clicked on any link in the email.
The variant with the higher click rate is the winner and can be sent to the rest of the audience or used as a template for future emails.
A whole email A/B test is useful for testing major changes in the email design that could have a significant impact on the click rate. It can also help the marketer discover the optimal combination of design elements that appeal to the audience and drive engagement.Reference:
Use ''Whole Email'' A/B Testing
Optimize clickable elements with A/B testing email
Email Marketing A/B Testing: A Step-By-Step Guide [2024]