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A Solution Design Reference (SDR) Document indicates that the developer needs to track page views on the retail website. As part of this process, the developer needs to populate the page name for each web page.
Which data object can be used to accomplish this?
In Adobe Analytics, the digitalData object is used to pass data to the Analytics server. The digitalData object is a JavaScript object that contains a number of properties and methods that can be used to populate data for Analytics tracking.
In this case, the developer needs to track page views on the retail website and populate the page name for each web page. The property can be used to accomplish this. The object is used to pass data about the current web page to Analytics, and the pageName property is used to specify the name of the current web page.
For example, the following code can be used to set the property to the name of the current web page: = 'Home Page';
This will set the pageName property of the object to 'Home Page', which will be sent to the Analytics server along with other data about the current web page.
Which feature of Adobe Experience Cloud enables developers to control the what, when, where, and how of all the analytics tags on the website?
Rules in Adobe Experience Cloud enable developers to control the what, when, where and how of all the analytics tags on the website. Rules allow you to easily create and manage analytics tags using point-and-click interfaces. Rules also allow you to create conditions so that certain tags will only fire when certain criteria are met, giving you more control over the data that is collected. Rules are a powerful tool for developers, allowing them to customize the analytics tags for a website quickly and accurately.
What is correct order when building a rule in launch by Adobe? Select a correct answer.
When building a rule in Launch by Adobe, the correct order to follow is Event, conditions, exceptions, and then actions. This order ensures that the conditions and exceptions will be evaluated before any of the actions in the rule are triggered. This is referenced in the Adobe Analytics Developer Professional study guide section on the Tag Management System.
What can launches be used for?
Launch by Adobe is a tag management system that allows users to manage marketing and analytics tags on their website from a single location. Launch provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to create rules to specify when and where tags should be fired, and to manage the data that is passed to these tags.
In addition to managing tags, Launch can be used to take certain actions on web pages, such as modifying page content or user interfaces, sending data to third-party tools, or triggering events in response to user behavior.
Launch can also be used to manage the lifecycle of tags, including versioning, testing, and deployment. By using Launch, users can improve the efficiency and accuracy of their tag management, reducing the risk of errors and improving the speed of their website.
Creating a copy of source pages and classifying content within a website are not primary functions of Launch, although it may be possible to use Launch to accomplish these tasks in certain contexts.
When a segment is created from within a report by dragging a component on the segment area, how is it possible to re-use It in another report?