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A business practitioner is in the planning phase of a project. Which milestone should be completed during this phase?
During the Planning phase of a project, a Risk Assessment should be completed as a key milestone. This involves identifying potential risks to the project's success, analyzing their potential impact, and determining strategies to mitigate them. Completing the risk assessment at this stage helps the project team plan proactively and ensures that risks are managed effectively throughout the project lifecycle.
Key Elements of Risk Assessment in the Planning Phase:
Identification of Risks: Potential risks related to timelines, resources, technology, and stakeholder expectations are identified and documented.
Analysis of Impact: The impact of each risk is evaluated to understand its potential effect on project success.
Mitigation Strategies: Plans are developed to address or reduce the likelihood of high-impact risks, such as implementing fallback plans or allocating additional resources.
Adobe Experience Manager Reference:
Risk assessment is a standard part of project management and is essential during the planning phase of any AEM project. Adobe's project management documentation recommends conducting thorough risk assessments early on to avoid unforeseen complications later in the project lifecycle.
Which AFM feature can an organization use when they want to develop content for future releases?
In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Launches is the appropriate feature for organizations that need to develop content intended for future releases. This feature allows content authors to create a ''launch'' copy of pages that can be modified and set to go live at a predetermined time. Launches are particularly useful for coordinating content updates in advance of product launches, marketing campaigns, or any other scheduled events.
Key Features of Launches:
Scheduled Publishing: Launches enable authors to prepare and schedule content well ahead of time, allowing for precise control over when updates go live.
Separate Editing Environment: Changes can be made in an isolated environment without affecting the live site, which ensures that only approved and finalized content is published.
Synchronization with Source Pages: Authors can synchronize launch pages with the source pages to incorporate updates made after the launch was initially created, ensuring the content remains up to date.
Adobe Experience Manager Reference:
The Launches feature is available in both AEM as a Cloud Service and AEM 6.5+ and is a key tool for content planning and scheduling. Adobe's documentation on content governance emphasizes the importance of Launches in scenarios where content needs to be meticulously planned and aligned with organizational timelines.
Which feature allows a user to work on behalf of another user?
In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), the Impersonate feature allows one user to work on behalf of another user. This is particularly useful for administrators or support staff who need to troubleshoot issues or perform tasks as another user to ensure the user experience and permissions are functioning as expected.
Key Features of the Impersonate Functionality:
Role-Based Access Simulation: Impersonation enables users to see AEM exactly as another user would, allowing for accurate testing and verification of role-based access permissions and content visibility.
Support and Troubleshooting: This feature is beneficial for diagnosing and fixing issues specific to a particular user's experience without requiring the user to be actively involved in troubleshooting.
Efficiency in User Management: Admins can resolve user-specific issues quickly by accessing the system as the user, making it easier to identify and address configuration or access problems.
Adobe Experience Manager Reference:
AEM documentation covers the Impersonate feature under user management, detailing how administrators can set up and use impersonation to assist with user support and content management tasks. This feature is available in both AEM as a Cloud Service and AEM 6.5+, and it is a valuable tool for maintaining user experiences and support workflows.
Which two teams need to collaborate to create a new custom component while developing an AFM SPA (Single Page Application) project? (Choose Iwo.)
In an Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Single Page Application (SPA) project, creating a new custom component requires collaboration between Front-End and Back-End teams. The Front-End team is responsible for developing the user interface and ensuring that the component aligns with the SPA framework. The Back-End team provides the necessary APIs, integrates the component with AEM, and manages data interactions, ensuring that the component functions correctly within the AEM environment.
Collaboration Between Front-End and Back-End Teams:
Front-End Responsibilities: This team focuses on building the visual and interactive aspects of the component using JavaScript frameworks such as React or Angular, ensuring that the component is responsive and user-friendly.
Back-End Responsibilities: The Back-End team handles AEM integration, developing Sling models, services, and APIs that support the component's data needs and ensure seamless interaction with AEM's content repository.
SPA Framework and AEM Integration: Both teams collaborate closely to ensure that the component integrates smoothly with the SPA framework and AEM, delivering a cohesive and performant user experience.
Adobe Experience Manager Reference:
Developing custom components for AEM SPAs requires a coordinated effort between Front-End and Back-End teams. Adobe's documentation on SPA implementation in AEM outlines best practices for component development, emphasizing the importance of collaboration to create fully functional and integrated SPA components.
Which AFM feature allows an author to create a large set of pages that share the same structure but have different content?
In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Scaffolding is a feature that enables authors to create a large set of pages that share a common structure but can have different content. Scaffolding is particularly useful for creating uniform pages such as product pages, employee profiles, or event pages where the structure remains consistent, but the content varies from page to page.
Key Features of Scaffolding:
Structured Content Entry: Authors can enter content into a predefined form-like interface, which maps directly to the page's structure, allowing for efficient content entry and consistent layout across multiple pages.
Template-Based Creation: Scaffolding allows authors to define a template or blueprint that can be reused to create numerous pages with similar structural elements, thereby reducing the effort needed for each page setup.
Efficient Content Management: By using scaffolding, authors can quickly build out large numbers of pages with minimal manual setup, ensuring consistency in design and structure.
Adobe Experience Manager Reference:
Scaffolding is often used in scenarios where content authors need to generate numerous pages quickly and where maintaining a consistent structure is critical. AEM's documentation on content authoring explains how scaffolding can be configured and used to streamline the content creation process, enhancing efficiency across high-volume publishing requirements.