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A client is modernizing some of their AEM sites to go from static to editable templates so they can use the latest features around has the following parameters:
* The client currently has a dozen static templates that they want to move to editable templates.
* The existing pages use the parsys paragraph system for storing components.
* Each page based on one of the static templates has its own custom properties tab that is unique for that template type.
* The client wants template authors to be able to create the editable templates.
Which approach should an Architect use to meet these requirements?
A customer wants to migrate their AEM environment from an on-premise infrastructure to a public cloud to improve performance. The customer currently hosts many assets (images, videos, documents) in the DAM. Approximately 10 business users frequently upload new assets and update existing assets. Editors then use these assets on the sites.
What should an Architect do as part of this migration?
''running online revision cleanup before moving to the new storage format can reduce the size of the repository and improve performance''.
A client is using AEM and wants to make sure they are managing their configurations correctly. Refer to the following requirements:
The client has multiple brands that they will be hosting on a single AEM implementation
The client wants to reuse as much between brands as possible
Each brand needs to be able to override the default values for items like contact us information
The client plans to support multiple languages in multiple regions for each brand
Each brand/language/region combination will have its own set of content approvers used as part of a custom workflow
Which approach should an Architect recommend to manage the client's configurations for AEM?
''using Context-aware configurations can allow managing configuration overrides and approval group by brand/language/region combination using content policies''.
A customer has an international presence and a strong brand image. The customer considers the exceptional quality images used for both print and on the website to be essential for its business, The customer uses AEM 6.5 managed services with a configuration of 2 dispatchers, 2 publishers, and 1 author.
The original images can weigh up to 500Mb with videos weighing even more. Renditions are generated after files are uploaded to AEM DAM by the Design team so the Authoring team can use them on the website.
The teams report issues with platform stability and slowness. Visitors report that images look pixelated on some screens and pages are very slow to load.
Which two actions should the Architect take to resolve these issues? (Choose two.)
''optimizing renditions for different viewports can improve the image quality and page load speed for visitors. Splitting AEM Assets and Sites in two different stacks and using Connected Assets can reduce the load on the author server and improve platform stability''.
AEM as a cloud service introduces major changes in the architecture by using containers. Which key architectural change was necessary to allow this to occur?
''isolating /app and /libs from the content, configurations and state management allows AEM as a Cloud Service to use containers for scalability and resilience''.